
Ergorig CenterFit

The CentreFit is the last version of the innovate Ergorig handheld camera support system.

  • Daily Hire Rate £96.00
  • £115.20
  • Contact us for long term or weekly hire rates.

Available to hire

The Ergorig CenterFit is a unique weight distribution system for handheld camera operators. The weight of the camera is transferred from the shoulder and back to the hips, making handheld camera operating safer and healthier for your back.

The latest CenterFit version incorporates the feedback Ergorig received from female camera operators after the first Ergorig was released and offers an improvement over the original Ergorig design, with better fitting and more comfort for all body types.

The kit comes with the Undersling and Riser, with which you can shoot underslung while still transferring all the weight to your hips, totally bypassing your spine. The catch/release mechanism uses a small strap to quickly attach it to the top handle of any camera and find the balance point for when you need to shoot low.

We stock the ‘Tall’ size Ergorig which is designed to fit the majority of torso sizes!